DOM WARS Round 4
Lucian Bane
It's time for Lucian Bane to face those demons. This time around we get to see the vulnerability that Lucian keeps well hidden. Most of the series Tara was the one who needed to be protected and Lucian needed to break through those walls. This time tho Tara is the one protecting Lucian. It was a great change to the protector turn into the protected. Tara does it with all she has. I am so excited to see Round 5 and find out where Bane takes us next.
Amazon Goodreads
Saturday, May 31, 2014
DOM WARS Round 3
DOM WARS Round 3
Lucian Bane
It's time for Tara to face her Demons. I loved how Lucian was there for her. She was obviously in denial and he did everything in his power to force her to face those demons for her own good. Once I started this book I couldn't put it down till it was over. Then I missed it and need to start 4!! I can't wait to see what demons Lucian has in Round 4. This is a hot BDSM love story. Don't miss this great series.
Amazon Goodreads
Secret Phantom [Cover Reveal]
Secret Phanton
Ever have the feeling not to belong, to just float around in your own body and have people pass you as though you aren't even there? Well then you know what life's like for Talia! But wait, because just maybe you'll have luck strike you as it did her and your fate change overnight. One day you're the lonely black sheep and the next? You're married to an immortal Phantom, live in a castle and fight off evil with your friends by your side! So don't give up hope, miracles happen to anybody.
Author Questions
Your real name and pen name.
Sarah Muellers
What languages can you speak and write?
English and German.
What is your biggest source of inspiration in life?
Uhm… Ask me again, when I’m done pulling out my last hairs in an attempt to finish the chapter.
What hurts you most in this world?
Yeah… no comment…
What is your favorite genre and why?
Nuh-uh! Not falling for it. Nope. You aren’t gonna get me to admit it.
When did you start writing?
Huh… don't really remember… 10 years ago, 8?
What is the purpose of your writing?
Primarily: to vent!
Which of your works have been published so far?
Secret Phantom’s going to be my first
Any works in progress?
Working on book two. And that’s all you’ll get from me!
What are your future plans?
Get a cat and a horse.
What top four things do you consider while writing a book?
Sarcasm, can’t write without it! Plot (Duh). Thoughts of the characters – good way to either get the reader involved or make them hate or love him or her. And would I do what I make them do? You can stop wondering the answer is yes: ALWAYS! Life would be boring otherwise.
What is your dream destination on Earth?
I believe the list of where I wouldn’t wanna go is so much shorter!
Your origin of birth and other countries you have visited/ stayed.
Germany born and loving! Living in Oman.
What did you like best about these countries around the globe?
Germany: friends and nature. Oman: Waterfalls, mountains….fruits!
Your favorite time of day
Night! Darkness is the best time to stay up and write, or you know… just make a mess!
Your favorite color and why?
Don't really have one … just as long as it’s not neon I’m good with all!
Your favorite book and why?
Seriously? Hell, could you make this any harder?! Well fine, if you insist. Walter Moers – The City of Dreaming Books. It wasn't my first, but it just stuck with me until today. Read it in German as a kid and bought it in English a while back.
Your favorite celebrity and why?
Johnny Depp – amazing actor.
Your favorite food? Some quickies:
Chocolate (Surprise!)
Steaks and hamburgers (don't forget the chips!)
Sun or Moon:
Laughter or Smile:
Smile. You can hide more behind a smile than a laugh! ;)
Coffee or Tea:
Tea! Hate coffee! EW!
Mountain or Sea:
Silence or Conversation
Silence says so much more than words ever could!
Air or Earth:
How are you supposed to choose? The former you need to stay alive and the latter you need to live, unless someone found a way to live off nothing but air and I missed it? Crap. I did, didn’t I?
Mars or Jupiter:
Wasn't Jupiter voted out? Hm…. And isn’t Mars uninhabitable? I dunno about you, but those aren’t exactly choice places to move to!
Tulip or Rose:
Red = blood = life = love = yeah… let’s not go there. Still Rose wins!
Left or Right:
I always go the other way, so if you insist on right am gonna say left!
Glance or Stare:
Staring’s more fun!
State your signature line/ tagline/ best quote:
Seriously? Wtf?! You’re insane!
The last line of your autobiography would be… And she didn't give a damn after all.
Music Style:
DJ Bobo, Bryan Adams, Elton John, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, All Disney music, Night Wish, Nickel back, Linkin Park, Shakira, Lumineers, West life, Saltatio mortis, in extreme, Pink
Friday, May 30, 2014
Midnight Ballerina [Cover Reveal]
"When I grow up, I’m going to be a dancer. I just know it."
Life doesn’t always work out how you want, even for Monroe Hartley. Burying her dreams of being a ballerina, she sets off to college, determined to prove her independence. When life catches up with her, stripping away her resources, she slowly turns toward an unlikely profession. Miller Buchanan has enough on his plate; he doesn’t need anyone or anything else to worry about. When a petite dark haired beauty falls into his lap, despite his personal demons, he can’t stay away. Temptation and possibility linger, but when Monroe’s past comes knocking will she trade them for the familiar? Or will she continue on the path of the unknown?
About the Author
C.A. Williams is the author of The Journey Series, Full Count, Imperfect Perfection Series, and The Crush; all of the New Adult Genre. She lives in Michigan and is married to her high school sweetheart. When she's not busy typing away at a new book, she's also trying to juggle three little ones. While being a stay at home to her three little ones, she likes to read and write, in between cleaning up messes and being a short order cook.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Stolen Gifts Blog Tour [PROMO]
Whoever said you can’t go home again was right.
My name is Van, and my life isn't exactly going the way I'd expected. I moved far from home, away from everyone I know and love to avoid having to reveal my Gift...a Gift so strong it scares me. A Gift so strong I know people would try to use me for their own gain, regardless of how much it may hurt me.
A dear friend from my youth is getting married back home, and while I'm thrilled for her, I know what waits for me there--disappointment from my parents, and concern from my brother and friend. But worst of all, I have to face Caine, a man I have loved for as long as I can remember, who just doesn’t feel the same way about me.
Somehow, Caine and I find ourselves in the middle of investigating the mysterious disappearances of other Gifted people. When the two of us are abducted, I have to decide if I am willing to use my Gift to save us, even though doing so will reveal my abilities to Caine. Little did I know that using my Gift is exactly what the villain is waiting for…putting both our lives are in jeopardy.
Having a Gift is hard. Keeping the ability to read and manipulate minds a secret from family and friends is torture.
Vanessa (Van) Lyons is terrified of her very powerful Gift of Mind, and has been hiding it from her family since she was a child. Her Gift troubled her so much that she moved away from everything and everyone she knew to avoid the possibility of the truth being discovered. She's stayed away for a long time, making excuses for staying put in her charming little cottage in a small town far enough away to be a comfortable buffer. But an invitation to the wedding of her childhood best friend Kelley brings her back home...and forces her to confront all of her fears and emotions. It also forces her to be face-to-face with the man she has loved since they were young.
Caine Moore is a handsome journalist with a playboy reputation. Seen frequently about town or in the tabloid pages with a different beautiful woman on his arm, he has become a completely different man from the boy Van grew up with. Tension builds between them as he sends Van mixed messages throughout the pre-wedding festivities, confusing her and making her yearn for things she's spent a long time convincing herself she could never have.
Caine has been working on a story, and has seen things he shouldn't see. In his desire to protect Van, he inadvertently pulls her into an intriguing but deadly case that puts her right into the killer's path...
My Gift is a part of me. It lays dormant, wanting to be used and I have deprived myself for so many years. On the rare occasions when my control slips, and I use it, I feel whole. Denying it for so long was splitting my soul into two. I realized that I would have to learn a new kind of control. Instead of complete dismissal, I would have to use it on occasion to keep my mind and soul intact.
As the guard approached the door of our prison, I placed a Suggestion in his mind that he would believe what I told him. I wasn’t changing the way he behaved, just what he was going to perceive at that moment. He opened the door and stood in the archway.
Bio for Rasha Selim:
Author Rasha Selim was born in Cairo, Egypt and was raised in both Cairo and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She moved to the U.S. to attend college and pursue a career as a Forensic Psychologist. She left criminology behind to become the mother of three wonderfully active boys. Rasha has spent her life engaged with books and as stories of her own began to develop she knew that she had to get them down in print. She is extremely excited to be sharing her stories with the world. Rasha lives in upstate New York where she is blessed to be surrounded by her loving and supportive husband, children, great friends and incredible books.
Connect with Author Rasha Selim
Author Rasha Selim will be giving away a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card AND a signed copy of STOLEN GIFTS. Rafflecopter
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Conjuring Darkness
Conjuring Darkness
Melanie James
This is a great paranormal romance story. A young woman needs to find her sister. She finds help in Kidd. They fight magic, demons, and fight to keep everyone safe. The humor was nice and made the book that much more fun to read. The deep conversations between the main characters where moving and gave a deeper understanding to the characters. Can't wait for the next book seems this couple can get into a lot more trouble.
Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble
Camp Arcanum
Camp Arcanum
Josef Matulich
This is a fun horror comedy. What I loved most about this story where the three men that were getting ready for a Renaissance faire. They had such distinct and different personalities you really got a sense of their unique personalities. At times some of the jokes seemed a little forced, but would have probably come off better to me if there was just a little more cheese. I loved laughing at the characters!! Three guys in the woods you know they are going to get into trouble.I also enjoyed how it seemed not just the town people had a mysterious history, but the town itself. I hope to find out more about that!!
Goodreads Barnes and Noble Amazon
Monday, May 26, 2014
I am Livia
Phyllis T. Smith
I just loved this book! The story of Agustus Caesar's wife Livia Drusilla. The story is told in Livia Drusilla's point of view. Since woman aren't normally talked about in this time. You get a view of the woman behind the man or in her case, the men.
Goodreads Barnes and Noble Amazon
To Be Yours Forever
To Be Yours Forever
Elliot Richard Dorfman
I love the time period that the book is focused on, 1940's. You can easily see that the research was done and details were very appreciated. I love the movies and theater, so this story was perfect for me. It did read slow for me. I think if the "hints" of the other timeline happened more often and highlighted it would have kept me curious and more focused on the story line. The romance across time was beautiful and if you're a fan of romantic novels this one should not be missed.
Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble
Stolen Gifts (Gift Series Book 1) [PROMO]
Whoever said you can’t go home again was right.
My name is Van, and my life isn't exactly going the way I'd expected. I moved far from home, away from everyone I know and love to avoid having to reveal my Gift...a Gift so strong it scares me. A Gift so strong I know people would try to use me for their own gain, regardless of how much it may hurt me.
A dear friend from my youth is getting married back home, and while I'm thrilled for her, I know what waits for me there--disappointment from my parents, and concern from my brother and friend. But worst of all, I have to face Caine, a man I have loved for as long as I can remember, who just doesn’t feel the same way about me.
Somehow, Caine and I find ourselves in the middle of investigating the mysterious disappearances of other Gifted people. When the two of us are abducted, I have to decide if I am willing to use my Gift to save us, even though doing so will reveal my abilities to Caine. Little did I know that using my Gift is exactly what the villain is waiting for…putting both our lives are in jeopardy.
Having a Gift is hard. Keeping the ability to read and manipulate minds a secret from family and friends is torture.
Vanessa (Van) Lyons is terrified of her very powerful Gift of Mind, and has been hiding it from her family since she was a child. Her Gift troubled her so much that she moved away from everything and everyone she knew to avoid the possibility of the truth being discovered. She's stayed away for a long time, making excuses for staying put in her charming little cottage in a small town far enough away to be a comfortable buffer. But an invitation to the wedding of her childhood best friend Kelley brings her back home...and forces her to confront all of her fears and emotions. It also forces her to be face-to-face with the man she has loved since they were young.
Caine Moore is a handsome journalist with a playboy reputation. Seen frequently about town or in the tabloid pages with a different beautiful woman on his arm, he has become a completely different man from the boy Van grew up with. Tension builds between them as he sends Van mixed messages throughout the pre-wedding festivities, confusing her and making her yearn for things she's spent a long time convincing herself she could never have.
Caine has been working on a story, and has seen things he shouldn't see. In his desire to protect Van, he inadvertently pulls her into an intriguing but deadly case that puts her right into the killer's path...
My Gift is a part of me. It lays dormant, wanting to be used and I have deprived myself for so many years. On the rare occasions when my control slips, and I use it, I feel whole. Denying it for so long was splitting my soul into two. I realized that I would have to learn a new kind of control. Instead of complete dismissal, I would have to use it on occasion to keep my mind and soul intact.
As the guard approached the door of our prison, I placed a Suggestion in his mind that he would believe what I told him. I wasn’t changing the way he behaved, just what he was going to perceive at that moment. He opened the door and stood in the archway.
Bio for Rasha Selim:
Author Rasha Selim was born in Cairo, Egypt and was raised in both Cairo and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She moved to the U.S. to attend college and pursue a career as a Forensic Psychologist. She left criminology behind to become the mother of three wonderfully active boys. Rasha has spent her life engaged with books and as stories of her own began to develop she knew that she had to get them down in print. She is extremely excited to be sharing her stories with the world. Rasha lives in upstate New York where she is blessed to be surrounded by her loving and supportive husband, children, great friends and incredible books.
Connect with Author Rasha Selim
Author Rasha Selim will be giving away a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card AND a signed copy of STOLEN GIFTS. Rafflecopter
Sunday, May 25, 2014
An Echo in the Bone
An Echo in the Bone
Diana Gabaldon
This is one of my favorite series. Clair and Jamie are still in the past, waiting for the american revolution to begin, while their daughter and grandchildren are in the 1980's. You get a look at both of their timelines. Love lives across the world and time itself. I can't wait to see where Gabaldon takes us with the next installment.
Barnes and Noble Amazon Goodreads
Mud Vein
Mud Vein
Tarryn Fisher
This book made me think. It's woman's journey of self discovery and facing her self loathing. It was dark and beautiful. I never considered the difference between a great love and a soul mate. Fisher defines them perfectly and demonstrates what it means to truly be a soul mate. This is a psychological thriller that will keep you guessing right to the end. It will tug at your heart and drive you to the edge of madness.
Goodreads Amazon Barnes and Noble
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Kerrigan Byrne
I just love Byrne's berserker's! I'm a big fan and this new story did not disappoint. Bael Bloodborn was born a berserker. His life consists of killing and fighting for his life. He's tired and after spending decades alone all he dreams of is the end. I just love going into the world Byrne has created for us. So much passion I hate leaving. Byrne's writing is so beautiful. "He looked at her, at the most intimate part of her body, with the eyes of a demon and the reverence of a saint." I can't wait for the next installment!! Kerrigan Byrne is definitely one my one click authors.
Amazon Goodreads
DOM WARS Round Two
DOM WARS Round Two
Lucian Bane
The next round is as captivating as the first. Lucian has to break down Tara's walls all over again. She takes no time bringing them back up. She fights to Dom over Lucian. She doesn't realize the power is already holds over him. She's captured his heart, but doesn't acknowledge it. This may not be the typical love story, but it is a love story. He just wants to care for a protect her. He shows her his love every chance he has. She may not want to admit it, but clearly she feels it. I'm excited to see where Bane takes us in round three.
Goodreads Amazon
Queen of Swords [Promo]
A dark and erotic PNR/urban fantasy, The Queen of Swords combines vampires, magic, Celtic mythology, vampire literature, tarot cards, and Scottish history to tell the story of a white witch (Cat Fingal) who returns every hundred years to reunite with her earthbound soul mate (Graham Logan), a Scottish earl who was earthbound by a dark wizard’s curse. Cat is the third incarnation of the lass he was to marry the day after he was cursed. It’s set in modern-day England and Scotland with flashbacks to Cat’s past lives in the Regency and Edwardian periods.
Conjure your copy today with one click:
A dark and erotic PNR/urban fantasy, The Queen of Swords combines vampires, magic, Celtic mythology, vampire literature, tarot cards, and Scottish history to tell the story of a white witch (Cat Fingal) who returns every hundred years to reunite with her earthbound soul mate (Graham Logan), a Scottish earl who was earthbound by a dark wizard’s curse. Cat is the third incarnation of the lass he was to marry the day after he was cursed. It’s set in modern-day England and Scotland with flashbacks to Cat’s past lives in the Regency and Edwardian periods.
Conjure your copy today with one click:
Friday, May 23, 2014
Words From The Heart [PROMO]
Each of us has a story to tell. Words free us from all we hold inside, whether they are happy memories or sad. This collection of poems are words from the heart. Whose heart you ask? Well, that I will never tell. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.
Author Questions
Your real name and pen name: Real name, Julie Mishler, nickname Julz
Please share some of the best memories of your childhood. My favorite childhood memories all involve my Momma. All the beautiful holidays my Momma has made for us, playing softball with my Momma as coach, trips to South Carolina with my Momma and sisters.
Tell us about your education were you always a writer? I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a minor in Human Resources from Saint Francis in Loretto, PA. Actually writing is something that all happened for me in the last seven months.
What languages can you speak and write? English, most of the time. I had five years of Spanish and can remember a few words.
What is your biggest source of inspiration in life? My Momma (my rock, my anchor, my very best friend) and my beautiful daughter.
What hurts you most in this world? I wear my heart on my sleeve so there are many things.
What is your favorite genre and why? Romance/Erotica, I am a romantic, always will be, add some naughty and you have the perfect twist.
When did you start writing? Seriously writing, October 2013
What is the purpose of your writing? Life. I write poetry that covers all emotions of life. Love, hate, revenge, loss, starting over, moving on, etc...
Which of your works have been published so far? I have been published in other author's works thus far. T.H. Snyder, You've Been Touched, Angel Steel, Harper's Little Spitfire, Wendi Hulsey, Heated Desires, Isobelle Cate, Midnight's Atonement and Amanda Lanclos, Irreparable. I have also written for Layla Stevens, Clara Fox, and Julie Morgan's novels that will release between this year and next.
Any works in progress? My first book which I am hoping will be out in the next month to two. I am currently working on projects with Nicky Jayne and Dina Redmond.
What are your future plans? To keep living each day and follow whatever dreams I have. Right now that is writing, but sky is the limit and there are lots of stars to reach for.
What top four things do you consider while writing a book? Top one, emotion.
What is your dream destination on Earth? I have never been able to travel and look forward to seeing everything, everywhere on my journey as a writer/poet.
Your origin of birth and other countries you have visited/ stayed. United States :) so far
What did you like best about these countries around the globe? n/a
Your favorite time of day. Night
Your favorite color and why? Black and red.
Your favorite book and why? I have so much love and respect for so many authors I can't list one favorite. I love them all!!!
Your favorite celebrity and why? I have no idea
Your favorite food? Strawberries, they are my heart's desire
Some quickies:
Sun or Moon: Moon
Laughter or Smile: Laughter (you can't laugh without smiling :) )
Morning or Evening: Evening
Coffee or Tea: Tea mainly but I splurge and get frozen mint mocha's sometimes. I gave up caffeine
Mountain or Sea: mountain
Silence or Conversation: depends on the mood
Water or Fire: water
Air or Earth: Both you need both to survive
Mars or Jupiter: Mars
Tulip or Rose: Rose
Left or Right: Right, but left handed people are so awesome!!!
Glance or Stare: stare, but from afar. Damn, lol, I think that is called stalking.
State your signature line/ tagline/ best quote: There is light at the end of every storm, even if it is dim.
The last line of your autobiography would be…She became more than even she dreamed she could be.
Twitter handle: N/A
Facebook page:
Good reads author page: N/A
Blog: N/A
Buy links: N/A
Play List
Just To see you Smile Tim McGraw
Fishing in the dark Nitty Griddy Dirt Band
God gave me you Blake Shelton
It will Rain Bruno Mars
A thousand years Christina Perry
Cowboy take me away Dixie Chicks
Cop Car Keith Urban
The Dance Garth Brooks
I cross my heart George Straight
You are Jimmy Wayne
Same way again Steffen Hughes
Play it again Luke Bryan
Drink a Beer Luke Bryan
I don’t want this night to end Luke Bryan
My eyes Blaike Shelton
Who I am with you Chris Young
Crazy Girl Eli Young Band
Wanted Hunter Hayes
Alone with you Jake Owen
The Truth Jason Aldean
Night Train Jason Aldean
Poem For you to share
One More Chance
By: Julie Mishler
For one more chance
Would you?
Give up everything
To hear his voice
To see his face
What would you give?
For one more chance
To change it all
To fix the wrongs
Make things right
Could you forget the past?
All the pain he caused?
For one more chance
Would you risk it all?
To hear his laugh
See his smile
Can time heal?
All that has been broken?
For one more chance
Would you sacrifice?
To kiss his lips
And whisper his name
To feel his body
Would it still feel the same?
For one more chance
What would you do?
If you only knew
Things would change
He would be
The man he said he was
The man you feel in love with
The man you have missed and longed for
The man who held all your dreams
In the palm of his hand
For one more chance
What would you give?
© jmm 12-6-13
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Incredible Dreams
Incredible Dreams
S.E. Felida
You ever have a dream about a hot guy and then see him the next day??? Neither have I unfortunately, but Leona has!! Nathanial was that man in her dreams. Turns out he's a cop and has a couple of friends. Hot right? Her dream seems to start turning into a nightmare when Nathanial goes after a perp that he's been chasing. Leona also finds out about his family obligations that give her pause. It was a great story overall. I wouldn't of missed a little less inner conversation with the main character. I would of loved to have read more about Nathanial's inner struggle. He's such an interesting character. Dream come true or gone wrong? You better read Incredible Dreams and find out!!! Excited to see where the next book takes us.
Amazon Barnes and Noble Smashword Goodreads
Reasonable Doubt Vol. 2
Reasonable Doubt Vol. 2
Whitney Garcia Williams
Well Williams has done it again. I opened this book and couldn't put it down until I got to the end! The only negative thing I could say is I want more Andrew!! I don't think anyone will be able to get enough Andrew. This book may not be as long as others, but Williams storytelling is so wonderful that you get just as much if not more out of it. This book picks up right where one left off and omg I can't wait for three. Don't miss out on this one. It's a must read.
Goodreads Amazon
Out of the Box Series [Promo]
What People are Saying About The Out Of The Box Series #mustread #asmsg #ptcls
A soul healing journey
...Jennifer Theriot brings balance to reality for those of us over fifty AND gives us hope that we too can find the last love of our life.
Welcome home feeling
...It is a must read, it inspires hope, love, acceptance and most of all it proves that life doesn't stop due to changes. Great read!
...Kudos to Ms. Theriot for reaching out to the middle-aged audience with a story that reminds us we're never too old to experience the wonder and excitement of true love.
A touching and different love story.
...The author is a true storyteller and has writter a refreshingly different romance.
Absolutely Beautiful
...A wonderfully-writter romance that makes you believe in fate.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Indulging in Irelyn
Indulging in Irelyn
D.L. Raver
Zolt Hamil, a hot ex-football star turned lawyer. Everyone knows Zolt, men want to be him and women want him in their beds. A chance encounter with Irelyn during the life changing game stuck with him. All he wants are one night stands and doesn't even bother to pretend he knows their name. Until he see's Irelyn again. She just happens to be the daughter of his new boss at the new law firm. Once the meeting at the law firm happens I felt like the romance was rushed. I know Zolt is hot and everyone wants him, but maybe a little chase may have kept my interest more in the story. It's a hot story and you'll want a Zolt in your life too!
Amazon Goodreads Barnes and Noble
By Any Means
By Any Means
Chris Culver
This was an interesting multicultural investigative story. I enjoyed the main character's inner struggle. I haven't read any other in the series, so it may be that without that information I wasn't as prepared for this story. He come up on an accident and with an inexperienced detective he directs other officers on what to do on the scene. Ash is a Muslim alcoholic police officer trying to hold his life together. It's well written story and clearly has a direction. The cliffhanger I didn't love, but it does add to the mystery and makes me want to read not only the next book but the ones that came before it.
Amazon Goodreads Barnes and Noble
Wolf Sirens Forbidden: Discover the Legend (Wolf Sirens #1)
Wolf Sirens Forbidden: Discover the Legend (Wolf Sirens #1)
Tina Smith
I started this book reading the preface and it grabbed my attention immediately. I was very excited to start the story reading about how and why the town of Shade was cursed with werewolves. Lila Crane moves to Shade with her mother, who recently became divorced. At the beginning of the book it was mentioned that the mother was from this town and I hoped that her mother and her past would of been an interesting part of the book, however I didn't see much about the mother other than her not handling her divorce well. For me I think if the timeline was changed a bit it would of helped the flow of the story. Almost as soon as she got there she was invited to join the "popular" group. It felt like it was almost a week before she saw the principle and he suggested she should take a tour of the school with Tealy Sutten. It seems to me the tour and gossip might have been better if it was before the invitation to the cheer leading squad. The mystery and the investigation of the town would of been more of the focus. Of course I love mystery and intrigue so I may be bias. This is the first of the series and I'm curious to find out where Smith is going to take us.
Amazon Goodreads Smashwords Barnes and Noble
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I Am The Weapon
I Am The Weapon
Allen Zadoff
A young boy taken from the his life and recruited into The Program. I was so entertained reading this book. A 16 year old boy is an assassin or rather a "soldier", as he describes himself. The story is told by the main characters point of view. You get his innermost thoughts as well as his memories that he begins to regain. He has an inner struggle that I think most teenagers have. No one wants to just blindly do as your told and not ask questions. It was exciting and suspenseful right from the start and didn't let up will the end. I can't wait to read the next installment! Crime suspense and YA books are your thing give this one a try. It's great!!
Amazon Goodreads Barnes and Noble
Paying the Rent
Paying the Rent
This is the second time I've read work from Cross and once again I'm left stunned. I thought I knew where this short story was going, but it went in a direction I didn't expect. Well done once again. If you love erotica don't miss Paying the Rent or any of the other works by Cross.
Whitney Gracia Williams [Cover Reveal]

Mid Life Love
by Whitney Gracia Williams
Mid Life Love
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Purchase from: Amazon • Nook • Kobo
Add to Goodreads.
Synopsis: If you'd asked me what love was two years ago, I probably would've said, 'It's this amazing feeling that obsesses and possesses you; it's what me and my husband currently have.' If you ask me that same question today, I'll say, 'Please get the hell out of my face.'
Claire Gracen's life is picture perfect. Her career as a marketing director is on the brink of being legendary, and her marriage to her high school sweetheart has never been stronger. No, wait. It has. It used to be amazing and fulfilling, but one day Claire realizes that she's been living a lie and her best friend and husband have committed the ultimate betrayal.
Broken and depressed, Claire is in need of something new--new city, new job, new friends.
When she happens to attract the interest of the sexiest man she's ever met, a man significantly younger than her, she immediately turns him down--only to later discover that this man is Jonathan Statham, self-made billionaire and CEO of Statham Industries. Her boss.
Jonathan Statham is unlike any man she's met before. He's used to getting whatever he wants--whenever he wants, and he isn't about to take no for an answer.
Sexy, unpredictable, and charmingly clever, Mid Life Love is a story that will captivate you, entertain you, and force you to fall deeply in love with the characters.
Mid Life Love At Last
Whitney Gracia Williams
Mid Life Love
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
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Whitney Gracia Williams
Mid Life Love
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Purchase from: Amazon• Nook
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Synopsis: If you ask me if Jonathan Statham makes me happy, I’ll say ‘Absolutely. He’s the man of my dreams and I can’t wait to marry him.’ If you ask me why my ex-husband Ryan is currently one inch away from me—staring into my eyes and pressing his hand against my cheek, I’ll say, ‘I have no fucking idea…’
Claire Gracen finally has the life she’s always wanted: A career she loves, a man who’s willing to do any and everything for her, and friends that show her the true meaning of the word ‘friendship.’
As she and Jonathan prepare to make the ultimate commitment to one another and plan the wedding of her dreams, she quickly realizes that the hurtful past she left behind in Pittsburgh is a lot closer than she thought.
Sexy, unpredictable, and as charmingly clever as ‘Mid Life Love,’ ‘At Last’ will captivate you from the first page and never let you go.
**This is a companion novel to Mid Life Love**
About the Author: A self diagnosed candy addict, travel junkie, and hypochondriac, Whitney Gracia Williams LOVES to write about characters that make you laugh, cry, and want to (in the case of Selena Ross) reach through your Kindle and slap them. She is the "imaginary bestselling" author of the Jilted Bride Series, Mid Life Love, Wasted Love, and Captain of My Soul. When she's not locked inside her room, feverishly typing away on her laptop, she can be found here: She also loves getting emails from her readers, so if you want to tell her how much you loved (or hated) her stories, email her at

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